Can’t We Breathe under the power of state?
Secrets of The Universe
Trying to find out the secrets of the universe, on my way. For collectors clicking: Here
The Isolation of Representation
Viewpoint, point of view. The year of 2020. Moving, Isolation, Being, Healing. For collectors clicking: A – B
Orchids, Spring Time & Easter 2020
Pray for everyone will be safe and healthy, with peace & joyful life. Huimin Chi 2020/4/12 Киев 60 + Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon 4/50 + Shanghai GP3 Film
25 Years Into
試,用作品探索這25年多以來黑白膠片攝影的一段歷程。畫面元素結合了初學暗房的1993年初,在那長時間浸淫在黑白暗房與色盲片不停翻轉的微妙顯影時空,以及後來才知到的Man Ray諸多技法。 作為當時的異鄉游子,腦中的畫面依舊出現比較多的故鄉呈現,即便已經中年,對那個時段依舊清晰,不僅是懷念。 作品販售:25 Years Into (I) 以及 25 Years Into (II)
Macau, 2018
(c)2018, Huimin Chi,